Surf's Up
Surf's Up is an animated movie directed by Chris Buck and Ash Brannon. It is Sony Pictures second time producing a film, the first was Open Season. Surf's Up's worldwide gross was $135,867,694, and it made over $19,214,895 in DVD sales. The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Day also recorded songs for the film along with some other great reggae songs.
The Document
A documentary team follows Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf), an arctic penguin, on his journey to win the Big Z Memorial Surf Contest. Cody has always dreamed of becoming a surfer ever sense Big Z himself came to Antarctica. Since Big Z's tragic death Cody has wanted to become the next legendary surfer. When a chance comes along for him to leave Antarctica and go compete in the Big Z Memorial Surf Contest, he takes the chance. Along the way Cody meets a strange chicken by the name of Chicken Joe (Jon Heder) who also surfs. Cody meets some more unusual characters along the way and also discovers the true reason for Big Z's death.
The Surfers
Shia LaBeouf (Sam Witwicky from Transformers) does and excellent job as his animated penguin. Jon Heder also does a great job portraying his easy-going surfer chicken character from Wisconsin. Zooey Deschanel, Diedrich Bader, and Jeff Bridges all do a wonderful job as playing surfer penguins. Mario Cantone and James Woods play the surfer talent scouts. Sal Masekela from E! Entertainment Television (The Daily Ten) plays the broadcaster.
A Great Family Film
Surf's Up is a great funny film to enjoy with the whole family. My Dad doesn't usually watch animated movies (He usually gets up about 5 minutes into the movie. He's more of an action movie person). He watched the whole movie from start to finish and laughed the whole way through. If he can watch it then it has to be good. It was a really funny movie. Do you want to know if Cody will win the competition? I guess you will just have to watch the movie to find out.
tag: Surf's Up, Chris Buck, Ash Brannon, Sony Pictures, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Heder, Zooey Deschanel, Diedrich Bader, Jeff Bridges, Mario Cantone, James Wood, Sal Masekela, E! Entertainment Television, The Daily Ten, Surfer, Surfing, Gross, Open Season, Transformers, Trailer,
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